"Tengah2 malam ni beriya2 suami ajak turun bawah konon2 nak suruh tengok kereta baru, dan lihatlah dunia inilah yg saya nampak.
"This is so romantic with 1000 candles !! Seperti biasa terkena lagi surprise daripada suami tercinta bersama tok dalangnya @sugarsurprise, memang susah betul nak predict @sugarsurprise!!
"Thank you to all my friend,maid and family member yg beriya2 nyalakan lilin ni! Dengar cerita mcm2 cabarannya. I love you guys thank you so much.. I am truly blessed.
"Thank you to the most wonderful man in the world! The man who showed me the real happiness in life. The man who made me feel that I’m a true woman. I will be forever thankful to Allah SWT for giving me a wonderful husband like you!
I cannot imagine life without you! My dear husband, Thanks for making me complete! I really love you from the bottom of my heart! I love you forever and ever sayang," kata Fouziah di laman IGnya.
Dalam pada itu, menerusi Instagram Zhafran Yusof, dia telah memuat naik gambar serta ucapan yang sangat 'sweet'
"Dear Wifey, before the night ends, theres something I need to tell you. Firstly, I would like to say thank you for being such a great mother to Muhammad. Going thru sleepless night together is another great adventure to go through with you Sayang.
"For me your birthday is just like another day. With you being by side everyday is a celebration. Thank you so much for being in my life and making it so meaningful especially with the presence of our Baby Muhammad. My love and respect grows for you with each passing year. I am truly blessed to have you as my life partner and mother to Muhammad.
"May you'll be blessed by Allah swt, Abundance of rezeki and happiness together as one Family ... Semoga Allah swt memberi perlindungan kita semua.. Much Bee...," ujar Zhafran.
Sumber: Myartis