My pod
Who need an Expensive IPod or Walkman
Hot water system. Home made
Transportation - 1 - Toyota Co (w) rolla
Because Petrol is Expensive why not use a Cowrolla
Transportation - 2 - pick-up truck!!!
You are going to die before you even get to the Hospital
I just love Africa, simple and not complicated.
We are just who we are.
No stress.
I am proud to be African.
This vehicle was seen near Makerere, Zimbabwe
These guys must have smoked weed!
Look at the goat.
Human ingenuity?
Painting the swimming pool.
Must be Zimbabwe???
Listen - English is only a 2nd language!!!
Ve got to make allowances.
'Nuff said!!!
Please send on to anyone who loves Africa:))
p/s Dan tak berbanggakah lagi anda semua dilahir dan dibesarkan di Malaysia???